Creative Concept

Website redesign that increased bookings with a storytelling approach


Lufthansa was expanding its network to new long-haul sun destinations and the main goal was to attract as many relevant users from Europe as possible to book their overseas flight. For this purpose, we conceived a creative concept for a new website that presented 7 new attractive destinations.

  • Creative concept
  • Copywriting
  • UX
  • UI
  • Development
  • Analytics

Not your typical travel guide

We chose not to focus on pristine beaches and tropical climate
when introducing these destinations, as this is all already well
known. Instead, we wanted to stimulate users to explore the
website and book overseas flights by presenting little-known
facts about each of the seven destinations.

  • 1:21

    average time on site

  • 294.018

    unique website sessions

  • "Dreamscapes campaign won a couple of awards in the tech industry and has garnered quite a lot of attention in terms of press and PR.
    Degordian's development team is very strong, and we were all very impressed with what their teams came up with. They’re flexible in working with limited budgets, and they’re able to create a campaign that keeps our end goal and KPI in mind."

    Chloe Ravat Marketing Communications Manager (UK, Ireland, Iceland)
Image Image

TV commercial

Witty TV commercials that elevate two laundry products' formula above the competition