An award-winning CSR campaign aimed at making children and parents safer in the online world

Client - Wiener Insurance
Furthering their efforts to ensure children’s safety online, Wiener Insurance wanted a campaign that would engage parents and give them a tool they could use to educate their children about the dangers that hide behind the screen.
- Creative Strategy
- Copywriting
- Social Media
- Website Development
- Digital Advertising
- Design
- Video
- Production
As children grow up, parents learn how to let go and give them more freedom. Luckily, there are things that make this transition easier — schools give kids useful knowledge, and traffic signs serve as visual cues on how to behave in a way that is safe for themselves and others.
But all that is offline, and the modern world kids grow up in is largely experienced online. That is why we asked ourselves: why not give them a set of rules and signs for navigating the virtual world?
The main challenge was to create a solution that both parents and children would understand. We took the recognizable traffic sign templates and paired them with custom made emojis, creating a universal language that helps parents educate their children without being too serious or boring. In other words, we made special traffic signs for navigating the roads in a virtual world.
The last step was deciding how to share the traffic signs with parents and children. Along with our partners (DKMK, Carnet, Cert, Komunikacijski laboratorij), we created a landing page where parents could test their knowledge on internet safety and receive great advice from experts and famous Croatian parents.
The campaign proved to be successful enough to win the Vienna Insurance Group award, but more importantly, it got the message across to our target audience.

Performance marketing