E-commerce revenue growth

Redefining the
journey to
skyrocket online


Harvey Norman is a large Australian-based, multinational retailer of furniture, bedding, computers, communications, and consumer electrical products. The majority of their revenue was from offline sales, so they wanted to make a stronger online presence and increase their eCommerce revenue.

  • Digital advertising
  • SEO
  • Analytics
  • Conversion rate optimization (CRO)

Our target audiences were females and males (28-45), who almost always check offers online before going to a physical store, so we focused on converting them to buy online. We used the RACE marketing model to lead prospects down the marketing funnel. In our messages, we emphasized the advantages of buying online and used this messaging in retargeting and conversion rate optimization (CRO) of our product pages, cart, and checkout processes. The main challenge was the growth of the e-commerce business after the successful 2020, and the response to changes in consumer behavior. We decided to reconstruct the customer journey and define the key strategic levers of action.

Product discovery

Enabling customers to discover products is a significant challenge for a web shop of this size. We decided to replicate the experience of "shopping" in shopping malls on the Facebook platform.


Product consideration

in this phase, users consider offers from retailers. 61.74% of all income is from users from this phase and we decided to reach them primarily by using SEO tactics.


Purchase decision

The stage in which users are on the verge of making a purchase. We used dynamic ad formats and remarketing to personalize communication as much as possible to their needs.


2020 has changed the way people discover and buy products. By analyzing consumer behavior in 2020, we defined two creative-tactical levers that we can use to our advantage: The Sorting Network ─ utilizing the activity of social network users (inquiries, demand for inspiration) and turning it into purchasing activity. And the second is the funnel ─ reconstructing the funnel in the user journey, as well as communication at key touch points helped us finalize potential purchases.

  • +54.73%


  • +60.27%

    E-commerce Conversion Rate

  • 13.35

    ROAS (Google Search)

  • 2.26

    ROAS (Facebook)

  • +43.69%

    Sessions with Add to Cart

  • +67.23%

    Sessions with Transactions