Agency — March 12, 2021

Models of work location

Petra Murgić Novak Human Resources Manager

In order to create the best place to work, we must continuously adapt to the changes. One change that has positively impacted our people’s satisfaction is related to different work location models. Find out what models we offer!

How to improve people’s satisfaction while maintaining quality output, the two most important things we nurture at Degordian? Let people organise their own time! Today, workplace flexibility is a must-have, and we’ve happily embraced it.

On-site, Hybrid or Remote

For us in Degordian, it’s not so important when and where you work as long your work is top-notch, professional, and on time. We want our people to have the best working conditions and opportunities, so we offer them the possibility to choose between a few models of work location – to successfully manage their time, activities, responsibilities, energy, both business and private. Read about each of them:

1) On-site model

The On-site model is planned for our teammates who prefer working in the office with all office perks. 

Some details are:

– Working primarily from the office.
Getting all the equipment needed for work.
Fixed office workspace.
Average time in office: 4-5 days per week.
– Up to 5 days a month to work from another location, outside the office.
– It is necessary to be in the office when the job position requires it (e.g., a meeting with a client, a project workshop, photographing/filming, etc.).
– When not in the office, a reliable and fast internet connection is required.
– It is necessary to attend everything online on days when a person works outside the office.
– Flexible working hours – but everyone is expected to be available starting between 8 am, and 10 am and ending between 4 pm and 6 pm.
– A model we offer for all job positions in all our offices.

2) Hybrid model

This model suits Degordians who prefer the most of their flexibility when it comes to working location. We ask our people these questions:

Do you organise your time more efficiently while working from home?
Do you live far from the office, so you want to save time on the trip to the office and back?

If one of the answers to those questions is yes, we suggest using the Hybrid work location model.

Some of the details are:

– Possibility to choose where you want to work from for most weekdays (office, home, or some other location).
– Getting all the equipment needed for work.
– When in the office, a person doesn’t have a fixed desk but shares common desks and office equipment.
– Average time in the office: 1-3 days per week. If a person wants to work more from office space – we recommend a On-site model. If a person wants to work less from office space – we recommend a Remote model.
– It is necessary to be in the office when the job requires it (e.g., a meeting with a client, a project workshop, photographing/filming, etc.).
– When not in the office, a reliable and fast internet connection is required.
– It is necessary to attend everything online on days when a person works outside the office.
– Flexible working hours – but everyone is expected to be available starting between 8 am, and 10 am and ending between 4 pm and 6 pm.
– An option is not possible for specific job positions (when the job responsibilities are closely related to the office space).
– Some situations will require adjustments that are agreed upon between the person(s) and the team lead, e.g. if two people from the same team want to work this way, but always one person should be in the office.

3) Remote model

This model is perfect for our team members who prefer living in other cities, where Degordian doesn’t have office space, or values total work location flexibility.

Here are some details of this model:

– Possibility to choose where you want to work from the whole year-round.
– Average time in office: 4 days per month.
Getting all the equipment needed for work.
– In case of a meeting or a workshop with a client in Degordian’s, or in client’s office:
a) A person has to be available for travel, and
b) Degordian is paying all travel expenses.
– When in the office, the person doesn’t have a fixed desk but shares common desks and office equipment.
– When not in the office, a reliable and fast internet connection is required.
– It is necessary to attend everything online on days when there is no work from the office.
– Flexible working hours – but everyone is expected to be available starting between 8 am, and 10 am and ending between 4 pm and 6 pm.
– This model is not possible for all job positions (due to job responsibility).

For every open job position on our Careers page, we will define which models of work location are possible so that candidates know what to expect if they apply. Unfortunately, if we’re not currently hiring and a candidate sends us a letter of application, we can’t say in advance which model of the work location will be possible for that specific position. Still, we will inform the candidates right after they enter the selection process.

Who can choose between models of work location?

This option applies only to work arrangements as an Employee or as an Intern. We wrote more about each work arrangement in our blog Work arrangements – complete guide to our various work options.

Can I ever change the selected model again?

Logically, a person’s life circumstances can change over time, so we have an option to change the chosen model to another model, but a person can do it once per year. Why? The reason is simple. We want to have a clear setup of our team and enable everyone to know other team members’ work location choices, which helps us have an easy-going cooperation process.

To sum up, greater satisfaction lies in the flexibility

We don’t believe in full remote work either in full office work. We believe in choice and flexibility where Degordian team members can choose what fits them best. That’s why we come up with three models of work location. 

Our intention is always to offer as much as possible to have the happiest possible team and support our team in life changes and changes in work location preference.