Agency — February 21, 2022

Getting the best employer award for the sixth time!


We’ve won many outstanding awards during the past years, but if you ask our CEO, Daniel Ackermann, which award makes him proudest, he will not think twice — his answer will always be the award for the best employer

It is already a big thing to get this award once, but getting it for the sixth time, as we did, is really something out of this world — especially because you’re getting confirmation from your own employees that they are happy and satisfied with their workplace.

How do you get the Best Employer award?

The award for the Best Employer is conveyed based on an anonymous employee survey organized by the Moj Posao portal, which seeks to determine which companies are currently providing the best working conditions and have the most satisfied employees. 

By taking the survey, employees respond to 78 key statements from nine areas of employee satisfaction, such as Job Challenge, Employee Loyalty, Work Organization, Working Conditions, Commitment to Work, Personal Growth and Development, Involvement in Decision Making, Interpersonal Relationships, and Company Communication.

Six awards for the best employer so far

Since the beginning of Degordian, our goal has been to create a place where people can work on challenging projects, grow and develop professionally — while being satisfied and happy. Besides, it was always our top priority to nourish a culture that encourages togetherness and teamwork, positivity and playfulness, as well as professional & personal development.

Therefore, we are so delighted to be recognized and awarded by our employees so many times.

In the survey for 2021:

Our highest-rated categories are decision-making involvement and challenging work tasks. Also:

  • 86% of employees would recommend Degordian to their family and friends.
  • 89% of employees can modify their working hours to run errands or attend a necessary appointment.
  • 91% believe that Degordian nurtures collegiality.


How do we keep our employees happy and culture healthy? 

Our department leaders regularly maintain quality time with employees where they openly go through all the existing and potential problems and try to solve them. 

We also have one-on-one professional development interviews every six months. During these interviews, the employee and his mentor discuss the employee’s career development plan and overall satisfaction. 

In addition, anyone — regardless of position and department — can book their quality time with the CEO to discuss any topic. Employees’ opinions are incredibly significant to us, so we continuously encourage them to get involved, suggest their ideas, and draw our attention to potential issues and challenges they face. That allows us to react on time and keep our employees’ satisfaction high. 

We also nurture teamwork through various activities, teambuilding events, and spontaneous and organized parties. The highlight is definitely the project “Startup in 24 hours,” — which core idea is creating a working digital marketing product of our choice (for a specific cause we all believe in) in just 24 hours. 

To conclude

This award is a great honor and a confirmation to the company’s entire management that we are going in the right direction. But, we know there is always room for improvements, and our goal is forever going to be to make our employees happy and Degordian a fantastic place to work.